Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Extra Credit!!!!

Extra Credit


Create a list of “Literary Symbols” to include in your magazine. For at least 20 of the texts discussed in class, locate one symbol from each text and discuss how it was used to enhance the theme(s) of the story or poem.

List of Texts

1.     Othello – The handkerchief that Othello gave to Desdemona; it was a symbol of loyalty and love.

2.     Death of a Salesman – The seeds Willy planted; him trying to produce the American dream.

3.     The Origins of Oedipus the King – The gouging out of his eyes; was a symbol that he felt that with eyes he never really did see and therefore did wrong.

4.     A Rose for Emily – The dust in her house; it was a symbol for trying to live in happier times.

5.     Sonny’s Blues – The music he played; was a symbol for his escape from his struggles and troubles.

6.     Cathedral – The drawing; was a symbol for the epiphany of the man realizing that he hadn’t really seen things before.

7.     Greasy Lake – The term greasy – was a symbol for the wild life and everything it stood for.
8.     The Storm – The affair; was a symbol of secrets, desires and infidelity.

9.     Saboteur – The soup; was a symbol for a mans revenge and rage.

10.  Girl – Slut; isn’t really her mom calling her a slut, it’s a symbol for not being respected or in the norm for what is expected.
11.  Harrison Bergeron – The noises; were a symbol of control over expressive freedoms and thought.

12.  A Good Man… – The term good man; was a symbol of what the grandmother thought of society as a whole.

13.  Out, Out – The saw; is a symbol for the consequences of becoming a man.

14.  My Last Duchess – The painting; was a notch on the Dukes belt.

15.  My Papa’s Waltz – The waltz; was a symbol of a relationship between father/son skewed.

16.  For A Lady I Know – Cherubs; are a symbols for what this person thinks is what God intended.

17.  I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud – The cloud; is a symbol for a fond memory or dream.

18.  Rites of Passage – The general; was a symbol for the boys playing together and accepting one another.

19.  The Chimney Sweeper – The sweeping; was a symbol for an escape.

Aftermath – The term aftermath; is a symbol for a tragedy.

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