Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sonny's Blues - Critical Essay

Sonny's Blues - Critical Essay

During the course of this writing, you begin to understand exactly what trials and tribulations Sonny was going through. Having grown up in the projects/low income housing, finding out the truth out how his father had really passed and their rocky relationship with one another, his turbulent dynamic with his own brother, his heroin addiction and the problems it brought on, his struggle to fulfill the typical American dream, and finding the courage to do what he really loves; play music.

Sonny’s Blues are the story of his life, and the failures or pitfalls he endured….feeling imprisoned in his own body”.

2. BODY - 

Sonny had a lot of internal and external conflict that he went through. Most of the time, even though he had family around him that loved him very deeply, he felt as though he were alone, and therefore struggled alone.

First example I would like to use would be his relationship between his father and Sonny himself. Every boy wants a healthy father/son relationship with his own father. However, in this case, the father was resentful and argumentative towards Sonny…mainly due to the fact that they were so much alike. Their stubborn personalities clashed a lot, leaving for something to be lacking in the relationship.

The second example I would like to mention would be the relationship between Sonny and his brother (presumably James, the narrator). They have a definite bond due to the idea that they are blood brothers. There seems to be constant mistrust and conflict between these two. Sonny feels James consistent judgment towards him, and his disapproval for his life choices and decisions.

The third example would be his neighborhood in which he grew up. Sonny grew up in New York, but it was in a low-income, project housing area. The people in the area were not exactly the most respectable…one of which introduced Sonny to heroin. To be surrounded in a living situation and people that bring you down and present no good opportunities, has to be depressing. Possibly a feeling as though you cannot achieve beyond it. “Yet, when he smiled, when we shook hands, the baby brother I’d never known looked out from the depths of his private life, like an animal waiting to be coaxed into the light.”

The final would be Sonny’s drug habit and addiction to heroin. He struggled to get clean, and find an outlet. One unsuccessful attempt led to a drug bust and jail time resulting from his lifestyle.

I believe that “Sonny’s Blues”, were the stories in which made up his life. His trials and tribulations. The actual “blues” he played through the piano, was him (to me) releasing those inner demons from his life and rising above and beyond it. “For, while the tale of how we suffer, and how we are delighted, and how we may triumph is never new, it always must be heard. There isn’t any other tale to tell, it’s the only light we’ve got in all this darkness.”

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