Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Rose For Emily - Story Organizer

Title of the Story:
A Rose For Emily

Emily, Homer Barron, the people of the town.

The Southern United States (Mississippi, Louisiana?) in a small town.

She kept to herself, was not stable and did not marry. She seemed as though she was keeping a secret, and people wanted to dig deep to find out what that secret was.

The find her dead, and find her "lover"that was kept in her house hidden.

Started with the people of her town attending her funeral, and looking inside of her house.

Rising Action:
People complained of an awful smell coming from her house. Which striked everyones curiousity about her.

Emily goes to the local Pharmacy and seeks Arsenic, although she does not explain her purpose for needing it.

Falling Action:
Her lover, Homer Barron "disappears", shes grows old with her man friend/servant.

Emily passes away, and the town discovers her lover Homer laid out on a bed...with a gray hair next to him.

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