Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fire and Ice - Historical Perspective

Fire and Ice - Historical Perspective

Written by Robert Frost in the early 1930's, Fire and Ice is a blunt, yet humorous way of looking at how the world will end. Will we burn up by the sun, or freeze when it shuns us? 

There was a lot of speculation at the time as to how the world would end. This was right at the end of the Great Depression. People were homeless, hungry, unemployed, suicide rates were high...it's easy to see why the question popped up in Robert Frosts mind. Unlike his depressed peers, he played on it jokingly, because why stress about the world ending? Because if it is, why spend your last few moment on Earth worrying about it and just enjoy yourself?

I think this literary piece is a clear insight as to the number one thought on everyones mind.

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