Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Othello - Critical Essay

Othello - Critical Essay


William Shakespeare wrote the tale of Othello. A tale of many things; love, heroism, plants, military, isolation and sadness. In the review of this piece, Alvin Kernan says, "Othello is probably the most neatly, formally constructed of Shakespeare’s plays. Everh character is, for example, balanced by another of similar or contrasting character. Desdemona is balanced by her opposite, Iago; love and concern for others at one end of the scale, hatred and concern for self at the other." Besides Desdemona and Iago, what other pairs of characters strike balance?

In being polar opposite of one another, I believe that Othello and Roderigo  balance eachother's sayings and actions throughout this dramatic piece.


In my eyes, a pair of characters that strike balance (as in being opposite from one another) would be Othello and Roderigo. Just because characters have similarities, doesn't mean they are good for one another, nor would they be good for a good story line. For one thing, Othello is a natural leader, he has faith, and faces altercations right on. Whereas Roderigo does none of those things.

Othello can be described as such; strong, independent, and willing to do the right thing for his people, is what a leader is all about. Roderigo by comparison, is very much a follower. He is not a natural born leader, or person to take control. He relies on others to help him decide what actions to take or words to speak. A good example of this would be how heavily he follows Iago’s every word and move.
Along the same lines as above, Othello has faith in others to do right. An example of this would be putting faith in Desdemona, hoping that she not deceive him as she did her father. Roderigo is not confident in anything he does. He is very hesitant to act, and unsure of what to do. He only puts faith in others when it benefits him. Such as trusting that Iago will get Desdemona for Roderigo, even though she is married and clearly not interested.

Lastly, Othello and Roderigo are different for the following reason. Othello faces conflict head on. Deals with the problem, then moves forward. Such as, talking to the courts about how Desdemona came to love him. Afterwards, he proceeded on. Roderigo on the otherhand; instead of just doing what’s right straightforward to win Desdemona, he does the run around. Basically, indirectly trying to deal with the problem, while avoiding as much conflict as possible. 

A. I believe these two characters have enough opposite characteristics and moral beliefs, to balance them out. Throughout various things each character say and does, defines them. Clearly setting the one apart from the other. In the examples in the arguments I have provided above, I feel that has proven such.

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